Tough Love
Courts have one sole task: to fulfill the demands of justice. Cultural institutions have over time adopted more than one task. The question this exhibition poses is: What is the task of cultural institutions today?
In this exhibition, culture, in the form of art and design objects, operates as a place to test society’s deeds. This exhibition calls into question citizenship, art and design as acts of passive observance by inserting active forces within the viewer, the buyer or the cultural consumer with consequences beyond the gallery walls.
Tough Love unloads a series of objects, from clothing to paintings, and traces social burdens that each of us carry. The exhibition reminds us that justice and evil are not things that are witnessed but exercised by acts of difference and indifference. Tough Love reminds us that too often we limit ourselves to just being humans, forgetting the responsibility we have to act as citizens, and conversely, that as citizens of narrow ideological lands, we often forget our humanity.
The work of Sebastian Errazuriz collapses product design and artistic practice with socially engaged positions. The works in this exhibition unveil questions of inequality, violence, fear or terror through a series of pieces that dwell on spaces of familiarity and uncanniness, simultaneously appealing and atrocious. Taking as context an over-informed society, the works presented force us not only to look and reflect on what is happening, but to reconsider our responsibilities as citizens.