Green Souls
This exhibition reflects artistic approaches typical of the Anthropocene, a period conducive to the emergence of new representations, those of our green minds, our “green souls”.
The ecological age we have entered gives rise to multiple responses, between gloom, foresight and activist struggle. Confronting the Anthropocene, this era of ecologically destructive humans, means overcoming eco-anxiety, aspiring to environmental moderation and shaping new ecosophical models. Faced with the climate transition, the time has come to promote rethought relationships with the bios (the “living”: plants and animals, minerals and the atmosphere, the cosmos), as well as between humans.
The artistic field resonates with this inflection, which it has sometimes anticipated. It is its particular approach that is discussed in this exhibition. With the Anthropocene, a mental, symbolic and aesthetic revolution is emerging: we must learn to think, metabolize and represent differently. The "green soul" is standing up to it, requalifying our relationship with reality and the tensions caused by global warming, it generates contextual visual expressions addressing the ecological issue in a sensitive, inspired and lucid way.
Committed to the fields of education, training and eco-citizenship, the EDF Group Foundation leads a cultural and artistic action to invite collective reflection on societal issues. With this exhibition, it comes to meet the public to address the ecological issue through the prism of contemporary art.
The exhibition takes over the two 1,400 m² floors of the Friche by presenting monumental installations, photographs, tapestries, sculptures, architectural models, etc. which, thanks to art, shift the public's perspective on environmental issues.
Opening: 7.2.2025, 5 pm