
A group exhibition of Landscape Architecture at the Schindler House
835 N. Kings Road, Los Angeles CA 90069
Mi–So 11.00–18.00 Uhr

California's drought is a domestic challenge, to be taken on at the level of each front and back yard throughout the state's neighborhoods, subdivisions, and cul-de-sacs. LUSH, the exhibition, began as an invitational charrette project that uses the MAK Center's Fitzpatrick-Leland House (R.M. Schindler, 1936) in Laurel Canyon to ask leading landscape architects across Los Angeles to consider solutions both radical and practical.

In partnership with Mia Lehrer Associates, the MAK Center selected a group of architects, designers, and collectives to propose interrogations into the history of SoCal landscape design and crucial experimentations toward the sustainability of its future. Following the invited call for proposals, charrette process, and jury symposium, the five exhibiting teams are:

Landscape Studio I Bestor Architecture: Michelle Frier with artist Aaron Farley and composer Randy Randall

SALT Landscape Architects: Allen Compton, Lauren Hammer, Jamie Heitner, Sarah Lindell, and Mike Tramutola

Naomi Sanders Landscape Design

Superjacent: Tony Paradowski, Christopher Torres, and Kelly Majewski

Terremoto: David Godshall, Jenny Jones, Diego Lopez, and Erik Schmahl