The Grosch Medal

Prizewinner 2018
Bankplassen 3, 00130 Oslo
Di, Mi, Fr 11–17 Uhr, Do 11–19 Uhr, Sa–So 12–17 Uhr

The Grosch Medal is a prestigious prize for architects whose work has furthered the quality of Norwegian architecture. It was created in 2001, and is awarded by the National Museum.

The purpose of the award is to encourage the architects of today to strive for the same excellence that we find in the buildings of Heinrich Grosch (1801–1865), Norway’s foremost architect of the 19th century. The first to receive the distinction was Sverre Fehn in 2001, since when the medal has been awarded a further seven times. The exhibition presents a selection of projects by the ninth winner of the award.

In collaboration with the University of Oslo, Statsbygg, and members of the board of the Groschselskap.