

IfA annual exhibition 2022
Strasse des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623 Berlin
Fr 15–22:30 Uhr, Sa 12–20 Uhr

Unmute is to become loud again.

After two years of online courses, lockdowns and hybrid studies, you finally have the chance to experience the IfA Jahresausstellung to the fullest.  On July 22nd and 23rd we open the doors of our Institute to showcase the student projects of the past semesters. In addition there will be a full-day talk program, various installations which deal with the semi-digital/ semi - analogue home-office and other structures and pavillons all over the building. Feel invited to explore the diverse projects of our students and departments and join us for a drink at the after party on Saturday.

This year´s annual exhibtion is fully organized by students. More than ever this exhibition raises the student voices and celebrates the personal connections between students, bodies and the Institute.

Opening and Rundgang - July 22nd, 17H

Talks and Open House - July 23rd, 10 - 21H

After party - July 23rd, 18H