
Re-build in the Built Environment

Viale Alemagna, 6, Mailand 20121
Tue–Sun 10.30am–8.30pm, Thu 10.30am–11pm

Re-build in the built environment narrates four different types of architecture, and, above all, four ways of doing architecture in relation to and in dialogue with built heritage.

The project for the Morgan Library of New York by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, just like the Terrazza della Triennale by OBR Paolo Brescia Tommaso Principi, the Gallerie d’Italia by aMDL Michele De Lucchi and the Tempio Capitolino of Brescia represent four different design approaches that aim at enhancing the value of the existing heritage, its re-use in more modern terms with the activation of new function or new life cycles, and the need to take care of architectural details down to the smallest scale. For approximately four weeks, re-build in the built environment becomes a laboratory of knowledge and experimentation, with a lecture, a roundtable discussion and the re-opening of the three original windows designed by Giovanni Muzio for the Palazzo della Triennale, as a first small step towards the reinterpretation and return of the architectural structure to its original design, just like its author had envisaged it back in 1933.