Sep 6–Sep 24, 2016

aasb - Agence d'Architecture Suzelbrout

Sur Mesure
11 Rue des Blancs Manteaux, 75004 Paris
Tue–Sat 11 am-7 pm

We design projects with the idea that they are going to be built. It is through the construction process that architecture becomes part of the real world, so materials, industry, production and implementation are integral to our designs. We try to find simple relationships between structure, shape and construction.

The three projects presented – macrolot at Clichy-Batignolles, a hotel above the tracks at Montparnasse Station and a revitalization project for a 1970s building – were designed to help turn industrial towns into metropolitan cities. The sites’ locations have allowed us to shake up programs, discover new potentials and put forward bespoke construction systems for made-to-measure buildings.

aasb was founded in 1995. Suzel Brout is a consulting architect whose work has earned her numerous plaudits, including the 1989 Albums de la Jeune Architecture prize, the 1991 Première OEuvre prize and a nomination for the Equerre d’Argent in 2011. She is a member of the French Academy of Architecture. Project managers: Pierre-Olivier Carpentier, Leslie Mandalka, Alberto Saccà, Alessandra Vassallo.