Sep 15–Dec 23, 2022
Simply Green
Greening the City
An exhibition by
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Our cities must become greener so that the urban climate improves. Buildings have high potential for green roofs and facades. The SIMPLY GREEN exhibition shows special regional and international examples and addresses questions about the methods and effectiveness of green buildings. It will be expanded to include the winning projects of the Hamburg Prize for Green Buildings 2022.
At the same time as the opening of the exhibition, the "Hamburger Dachtage" (Hamburg Rooftop Days) and the action weekend "Altstadtküste blüht – AUF!" (The old town coast is blooming - OPEN!) take place.
An exhibition by DAM (Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt) in cooperation with AIT ArchitekturSalon and "Hamburger Umweltbehörde" (environmental authority).