Dec 1–Dec 14, 2024


(Parzelle 1538)
Münstergasse 4, 03011 Bern
Thu 5–8 pm Sat 9 am–2 pm

At the beginning of March 2023, the municipality of Ostermundigen made the Rütihöger available. A common land is to be created on the plot with the number 1538 (corner of Hohlenweg - Rütiweg) with the participation of the public. Initiated by Marianne Flotron and the project "BFH Transformation - Impulses from the Margins", it is being realized with HKB students.

While in the past community members took turns to graze their cattle on a common land, the Rütihöger is now to be relaunched: Can the common land become more important in today's everyday life? Do the people of Ostermundigen need the land? And if so, for what?

The HKB researchers Priska Gisler and Luzia Hürzeler accompanied and evaluated the project. The artists Johanna Bossart, Mathilde Rusca, Cosima Specht, Denis Savi and Marianne Flotron went through the process and are showing their works in the Affspace and in the Milieu.

Opening: 31.11.2024, 4 pm