architectur + dance
Architecture produces spaces, dance makes use of it
Architecture may be perceived as an arrangement of objects and materials. It is a medium that creates frames for everyday life, it directly influences everything that happens within. Architectural practice today has a strong functional tendency. Architects provide solid structures and places to use, to deal with and to react on.
Choreography is an arrangement of movement. It is not bound to fulfill functional requirements. Contemporary dance explores the infinite possibilities of inhabiting surroundings with movement. Dance evokes physical states, from which emotion is inseparable. It also informs the perceivable, imaginative space.
Space is the common ground
Apparently, architecture and dance produce space in complementary ways, which usually do not happen at the same time. Yet, they react to each other. Compared to architecture, dance is a smooth, fluid and ephemeral way of shaping our environment. Such inherent qualities of dance are something which rarely occurs in architecture - although both disciplines generate the same: Space.
What happens if we put the seemingly opposing disciplines of choreography and architecture in the same place at the same time, make them react directly onto each other and observe the possible outcomes of this experimental setup?
What happens when these static and rational and tactile and bodily approaches to space collide?
The exhibition invites to see and experience selected moments from the ongoing process of creating space. It presents what happened during the experimental studies. Together with the two preceding performances it provides a glimpse into the making of. Just like movement, building through movement never stops, there is no ending to this story. It continues with and through its audience.
Concept: Hygin Delimat, Anna Firak & Franz Koppelstätter
Created together with Josseline Black, Stefan Brandmayr, Ellias Buttinger, Łukasz Czapski, Corinna Hiemer, Barbara Seyer, Matthias Tremmel, Monica Vlad, Mariya Zhariy