Campus für Bildung und Wissenschaft der Diözese Linz
The Diocese of Linz announced and conducted an EU-wide, open, anonymous, two-stage implementation competition in 2023.
The project included the general renovation and modernization of the listed existing buildings of the University of Education of the Diocese of Linz and the adaptation of use, if necessary, through extensions/additions - for the Campus for Education and Science of the Diocese of Linz, Salesianumweg 3 in 4020 Linz.
A top-class jury chaired by Univ. Prof. em. Arch. Roland Gnaiger judged eight competition works at the jury meeting at the beginning of September and ranked the first three places.
On Friday January 12th, 2024, 7 p.m., the winning project will be presented in the afo architekturforum Oberösterreich and the exhibition of all participating projects in the 2nd competition stage will open.
The architect of the winning project, jury chairman Roland Gnaiger, and representatives of the sponsor will present the winning project.
January 12, 2023, 7:00 p.m