BHP’22 - Unterwegs
The 2022 Building Owner's Prize has long since been awarded. The award winners and nominees are happy about the satisfied users of their buildings: homes, schools, universities and a vineyard. And a furniture store and a boathouse in the city centre.
What made BHP22 different from previous editions? Franziska Leeb writes in the special edition of Architektur Aktuell on the BHP22: "If the ZV Bauherrenpreis is a reflection of national building culture, then this year's edition is evidence of problem awareness: Around a third of the submissions are interventions in existing buildings or extensions to existing buildings. Of the 18 nominations, eight come from this segment and of the five prize winners, only one is a new building. .... Using existing resources is the order of the day. This also applies to existing buildings. The renovation and adaptation of existing buildings is not only an economic and ecological necessity, but can also release creative potential that goes far beyond that of mere repair or extension measures.
What has changed? How are planners, politicians and the building industry reacting to the significant changes in our world? Is a transformation beginning here, and if so, what constitutes it?
The project BHP'22 - UNTERWEGS goes in search of positions on transformations throughout Austria. With this exhibition and with discussions within its framework. The project is a collaboration between the Central Association of Austrian Architects and seven partners from the building industry. They are also on the move, want to review their positions and include current developments in their planning.