Oct 17–Nov 21, 2024

Woman Build

Blumenstrasse 22, 80331 Munich
Mon–Fri 9 am–7 pm, Sat 9 am–6 pm

Who are the female architects of Munich? Little known, even less published, the exhibition shows a collection of outstanding architecture in Munich and presents the career paths of its female architects. The collection is the result of the FRAUEN BAUEN München project, which, as an open web archive, aims to make the work of female architects in Munich visible and to make knowledge about it more accessible.

The exhibition brings to the fore female architects who practiced before the Internet age and also sheds light on very current questions about the impact and options of female architects in architecture and urban design.

In cooperation with the TUM School of Engineering and Design, Chairs for Urban Architecture, for Design and Construction, and for Theory and History of Architecture, Art and Design.Doris Hallama, Jana Hartmann, Anna Jacob, Zora Syren

Opening: 17.10.2024, 6 pm
Nicola Borgmann Architecture Gallery Munich
Christin Scheiblauer Architect, A+S: Atelier for Architecture and Urban Planning Frankfurt
Ulrike Lauber Architect, lauber zottmann blank Munich/Berlin
Team Women Building Munich
Student representatives

Event "Young Positions Today": 24.10.2024, 7 pm
Welcome and intro
Octaviannne Hornstein Architecture Gallery Munich
Anna Jacob Representative of Women Building Munich

Angelika Hinterbrandner in conversation with:
Sophie Reiner Architect, studioeuropa Munich/Vienna
Anna Wimberger Architect, Wimberger Modersohn Munich
Edda Zickert Architect, kaed Architects Munich