Jun 7–Aug 12, 2022

Open Call

# Giving and Receiving
Mommsenstrasse 64, 10629 Berlin
Mon, Wed, Thu 10 am–3 pm

Exhibition and discussion forum on the excellent work of young offices versus their exclusion in public procurement procedures.

The Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten is presenting its next exhibition OPEN CALL #GIVE AND TAKE from the LABOR series as a critical statement on current procurement practice and calls on young colleagues to get involved. The de facto exclusion of young offices from market access through competitions and procurement procedures according to the Procurement Ordinance (VgV) requires new strategies to make our work visible as an opportunity for innovation and quality. The exhibition is designed as a project exchange and is open to everyone. The bulletin board* invites young and small offices to exhibit a realized project or an award-winning competition entry. At the same time, opportunities to apply for public contracts as well as critical comments on the practice of awarding contracts should be shown and discussed. It is curated by members of the board of trustees of the BDA gallery, the BDA workshop, the AK strengthening young offices and the AK career policy.

Curators: Andreas Reeg, Marc Dufour-Feronce, Bernd Tibes, Jens Brinkmann