May 1–Oct 7, 2018

Utopie Radicali: Florence 1966–1976

1920, rue Baile, Montréal H3H 2S6
Wed–Fri 11 am–6 pm, Thu 11 am–9 pm, Sat, Sun 11 am–5 pm

Utopie Radicali: Florence 1966-1976 addresses the idea of utopia as a tool for social critique. Organized by Palazzo Strozzi and curated by Pino Brugellis, Gianni Pettena, and Alberto Salvadori, the exhibition brings together the work of Archizoom, Superstudio, 9999, UFO, Zzigurat, Remo Buti, and Gianni Pettena—iconoclast practitioners who made Florence a focal point for new developments in architectural thought. Material from the CCA’s Alessandro Poli archive plays a prominent role in the exhibition.