
Bryghuspladsen 10, 01473 Copenhagen
Mon–Sun 10 am–6 pm, Thu 10 am–9 pm

This coming exhibition focuses on the Japanese architect Hiroshi Sambuichi, who creates sustainable and self-sufficient buildings by utilising local movements in air, water and light.

In spring 2017 the projects of Japanese architect Hiroshi Sambuichi are portrayed at the Danish Architecture Centre. Sambuichi achieved international recognition early in his career and is today one of the foremost experimentalists in the field of sustainable architecture.
Sambuichi works with what he calls the moving materials of a site: the movements of wind, water and light, where he dedicates special attention towards the natural movements of a place.
Local movements in air, water and light are here utilised so that houses, for example, do not need to be powered by anything other than what naturally occurs at the site. Style and expression therefore differ markedly from how they are seen in the Nordic region and the western part of the world, where architecture is generally highly dependent on modern technology such as electricity.
Sambuichi's architecture thus zooms in on current issues regarding connection and disconnection in relation to e.g. urban growth and depopulation as well as issues of sustainability and the importance of local and regional identity in a globalised world.
The exhibition is part of the series of cultural initiatives taking place in connection with the official celebration in 2017 of the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Denmark and Japan. Arts and cultural events take place in both Denmark and Japan throughout 2017.
In the same period, the Cisterns presents an exhibition that provides the opportunity to delve deeper into Sambuichi's approach to - and investigation of - architecture, in which the local underground area will be demonstrated.
Hiroshi Sambuichi - Moving Materials is curated by Hiroshi Sambuichi in association with the Danish Architecture Centre. The exhibition is funded by Realdania.
The Cisterns shows the total installation 'The Water of Hiroshi Sambuichi' from 21 March 2017 - 2 February 2018, where his work with the site's volatile materials - light, air and water - are demonstrated on a walk of an underground sea.
Entrance ticket to Cisterns exhibition provides a 20 % discount on the entrance ticket at the Danish Architecture Centre and vice versa.
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