Critical Care

Architecture for a Broken Planet
Desguinlei 25, Antwerpen B-2018
Opening hours
Wed-Sun 2-7 pm

In 2022 the theme for the architecture programme is care. With this broad theme, the Flanders Architecture Institute and DE SINGEL are focusing attention on the particular impact of care on the built environment. Care is about cherishing, maintaining and securing for the future. Architecture that cares sets itself apart due to its empathy for the context, the users and the makers. Caring architecture considers the long term and is critical with regard to human activity on the planet.

The exhibition Critical Care: Architecture for a Broken Planet, which was first shown at the Architekturzentrum Wien, is a plea for greater care and collaboration in architecture. After Vienna, Zürich, Dresden and Berlin, it comes to DE SINGEL. A second exhibition, Care for Space for Care, links the international case studies from Critical Care to nine projects from Flanders and Brussels. In both presentations, mutual dependence, maintenance are the anchor points for the further exploration of care in architecture.