Houses of the Year 2018

The best single-family dwellings
Henschelstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt/Main
Tue, Thu–Sun 11 am–6 pm, Wed 11 am–8 pm

On October 5, the winners of this year’s competition Houses of the Year will be honored; Callwey Verlag has awarded the prize together with the DAM, Baumeister, Informationszentrum Beton and Hofquartier. Prize money of EUR 10,000 is attached to the first prize, while other winners receive an award only. The results will be published in the book “Houses of the Year” and presented in the exhibition at the DAM. Criteria for the Jury were a creative approach to the rural or urban environment, the spatial design of a private living space, the intelligent interplay of aesthetics, material and construction — and, not least of all, realizing the task of designing a detached house in a contemporary manner.