Besides, History
This exhibition proposes a three-party conversation: It involves Go Hasegawa & Associates, based in Tokyo; OFFICE Kersten Geers and David Van Severen based in Brussels; and the history of architecture.
This conversation is at the core of one of the most interesting debates in contemporary architectural practice and examines the role of the history of architecture - from recent to more distant pasts – in the work of a new generation of architects.
By adopting the format of a conversation typical historical categories such as authorship are challenged as one architect appropriates the work of the other and represents it with his own tools, comparing it with his own work to reveal similarities and differences.
Kersten Geers, David Van Severen and Go Hasegawa belong to a generation of architects born in the second half of the 1970s who has been developing not only a consistent series of projects and works, but also maintains a clear theoretical stance. Their voices are very present and are becoming strongly influential in the broader conversation that takes place within the discipline of architecture in this second decade of the twenty-first century.