In 2019, many places will use the motto "100 years of Bauhaus". In the anniversary year, the museum will show off its 18 legendary Josef Albers windows, and the focus subject "Bauhaus" in its permanent exhibition, the large special exhibition BAUHAUS_SACHSEN
follows the Saxon contacts of the legendary avant-garde forge. The industry and publishers of the state, its museums and collectors, its intellectual heads and workers' associations turned out to be potential partners for the art school and its graduates in many areas. The Bauhaus has maintained fruitful contact with the trade fair city of Leipzig, and specifically the Grassimuseum, early on and continually. One focus of the exhibition is on these and the works of Saxon Bauhaus artists, as well as characteristic masters such as Wassily Kandinsky, Làszlò Moholy-Nagy, Paul Klee or Josef Albers and their connections to the region. Another one is the constant inspiration of Bauhaus. The historical Bauhaus works combine the exciting dialog with works of contemporary artists. Artists Judith Raum and Katharina Jebsen reconstruct Bauhaus subjects in their project, and make it possible to experience them anew. Felix Bielmeier photographically guided through the Haus Rabe characterized by Oskar Schlemmer. The second Bauhaus graphics folder that was announced, but never put into practice, is presented by Felix Martin Furtwängler as a surprise contribution. Oskar Rink continues image spaces of the Bauhaus artists. Joachim Brohm follows the architectural implementation of a sketch by Mies van der Rohe. Alexej Metschanow's furniture assemblies finally bring up questions about seat icons.