Sep 16–Nov 2, 2014

Maya Lin

Rivers and Mountains
Comandante Zorita 46-48, Madrid 28020
Mon–Fri 10am–2pm / 4:30 ampm–8pm, Sat 11am–2pm

On 16 September Ivorypress will present Rivers and Mountains, ther first solo exhibition in Spain by American artist and architecture Maya Lin, which takes place in the context of the architecture programme that Ivorypress presents annually in Madrid each September.

The show guides us through the career of this American artist and architect of Chinese heritage whose work approaches landscapes from an environmentally conscious perspective, outlining a critical reflection on the negative consequences of humankind's carbon footprint. Her work encompasses everything from site-specific installations and sculptures to small- and medium-format works, as well as architectural projects and memorial monuments.

In her works, she has 'amassed tens of thousands of individual pieces of wood into large topographies, cast the courses of major rivers in shimmering bathymetries of recycled silver, and sculpted the successive disappearance of lake waters with tabletop terraces of marble', says writer William Fox, one of the authors of the show's catalogue. This personal interpretation of landscape and orography is evident in some of the works that will be on show at Ivorypress, such as Greenwich Mean Time or Wire Landscape (Everest).

Another of the works that will be exhibited at Ivorypress is Pin River Tagus Watershed, from her series The Pin River, in which Lin uses hundreds of thousands of pins to create shapes in the space. 'These large yet delicate pieces, represent water in a multiplicity of states—rivers and lakes, but also the storm surge of a hurricane', Fox describes.