Nov 9, 2016–Mar 26, 2017

Álvaro Siza

Via Guido Reni 4A, 00196 Rome
Tue–Fri+Sun 11 am–7 pm, Sat 11 am–10 pm

Great inclined walls, a sinuous layout, ample spaces alternating with others that are deliberately restricted in dialogue and contraposition with those of the museum: this is how the great Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza has imagined the exhibition featuring drawings, projects and objects that reveal his relationship with the sacred.
Projects with a religious nature are flanked by others in which the theme of religiousness is treated in a less direct fashion: religious objects designed for the Holy Father alternate with figurative drawings and architectural projects in Italy and elsewhere, while on the walls are projected photos of a number of his projects taken by six international photographers. The shots of Fernando Guerra, Nicolò Galeazzi, José M. Rodrigues, Leonardo Finotti, Luìs Ferreira Alves and Mimmo Jodice thus describe both the environments designed by Siza in which religious ceremonies are practiced and the calm of the atmospheres in which nature and landscape are the principles of sanctity.