Nov 30, 2023–Jan 21, 2024

A possible future

Fictitious devices to understand the city of tomorrow
21, bld Morland, 75004 Paris
Tue–Sat 10:30 am–6:30 pm, Sun 11 am–7 pm

How to reduce the energy consumption of cities? How to enjoy a terrace as a non-smoker? How can we make city residents more friendly? How to relieve congestion on the metro? How to combat loneliness in the city? Have you ever wondered, at your level, how to respond?

Between the real and the imaginary, A Possible Future invites us to question the city of tomorrow through 32 fictions in response to contemporary architectural and societal issues. These critical scenarios respond to real and urgent problems. By questioning relationships with space, the city and its inhabitants, the scenography agency Poumtchak studio explores what is disturbing to generate other forms of interaction and new spatialities through humor, irrational and absurd.

Like a laboratory of ideas, A Possible Future also invites you to discover these issues as well as those of the 55 participants in the various workshops carried out over a year.
Each device reflects a dystopian scenario. Their impossible nature reveals the complexity of the issues to which they refer and makes it possible to arrive at concrete answers.
It is by questioning the impossible that we imagine something possible in order to act collectively for the city.

A possible future offers an interactive immersion with the 32 fictional devices developed by Poumtchak Studio. On the edge of fiction, visitors are invited to experiment with 4 full-scale prototypes to understand and question the city of tomorrow. Designed as a real workshop visit, the exhibition encourages the public to imagine their own fictional device at the end of the tour. Considering the issues raised in the exhibition, participants get involved and become actors in the collective development of a possible future.