Brave Old World
Brave Old World: Modernist public space design in London and São Paulo looks at public space design between c.1955 and c.1975, during a crucial period for the development of two world cities, London and São Paulo.
The exhibition focuses on the ideas - political, urban, aesthetic - that drove these public space designs, and the importance of design in delivering successful – and unsuccessful – public spaces.
In London: Economist Plaza, British Library forecourt, South Bank Arts Centre, Elephant + Castle Shopping Centre
In São Paulo: Centro Empresarial Itaú Conceição, Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), Centro Cultural de São Paulo (CCSP), Vale do Anhangabaú
The exhibition is part of a three year research project between the Department of Architecture, University of Westminster, and the Department of Architectural History, University of São Paulo. Project partners: Royal Institute of British Architects, Royal Town Planning Institute, the British Council, and the 20th Century Society.
The exhibition also forms part of the London Festival of Architecture 2017.