Jean-Christophe Quinton

The otherness of the pieces and the promise of the forms
1, rue de la Tour Jacob, Luxembourg 1831
Tue-Fri 12 am-6 pm, Sat 2-6 pm

From July 4 to September 21, 2024, LUCA will host the monographic exhibition of architect Jean-Christophe Quinton "The otherness of rooms and the promise of forms".

Each plan is the result of a strategy that seeks highly qualitative relationships between the different rooms that compose it. The project is born from this rapprochement between the room, seen as an irreducible primary entity, and the plan, designed with the desire to guarantee the quality of their association.

This exhibition proposes to share twenty years of architectural practice through a project culture driven by the notion of room. With drawing as a resource to see, design and show, models of all scales for a sensitive immersion and the book for another temporality, the visitor is invited to explore the multiplicity of emotions aroused by the architectural experience and to share the pleasure of looking at the world of the project through that of the rooms.

Opening: 03.7.2024, 6:00 pm