Dec 12, 2022–Jan 12, 2023

Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek

German-trained Indonesian architects from the 1960s

As part of the long-term programme Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism, the exhibition Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: German-trained Indonesian Architects from the 1960s illuminates the lives and work of Indonesians who studied in Germany and graduated in the 1960s with the degree of Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.) in architecture. After graduation, many of the newly trained architects returned home and became the protagonists of modern Indonesian architecture. Some of them, however, remained in Europe, settling in Germany, Switzerland, or the Netherlands.

From 12 December 2022 to 12 January 2023, the exhibition at Taman Ismail Marzuki gives an in-depth look into the careers of the selected architects. Historical documents and previously untapped archival materials allow for an intensive examination of the work of these architects against the backdrop of their training in Europe, particularly from Germany.

New photographs created for the project by William Sutanto (Indonesia) and Moritz Bernoully (Germany) depict exemplary buildings by the architects in their present-day context and raise questions about the cultural significance and future of architectural modernism in Indonesia and Germany.

Partners: Berlin Technical Universität, Architecture Museum of the TU Berlin